


Art. 1 The Universidade Paulista – UNIP is a higher education institution maintained by Assupero Ensino Superior Ltda., a limited, for-profit company, registered with the CNPJ/MF under nº 06.099.229/0001-01, with headquarters and jurisdiction in São Paulo/SP, registered with JUCESP under NIRE 3523113603-9 on July 6, 2018.

§ 1 The Universidade Paulista – UNIP, in order to meet the proposed objectives and make full use of its human and material resources, may hold courses outside its headquarters and jurisdiction.

§ 2º The Universidade Paulista – UNIP maintains university units with undergraduate courses and postgraduate programs in the regional headquarters of Araçatuba, Araraquara, Assis, Bauru, Campinas, Jundiaí, Limeira, Ribeirão Preto, Santana de Parnaíba, Santos, São José do Rio Pardo, São José do Rio Preto, São José dos Campos and Sorocaba, in the state of São Paulo, in Brasília (DF), Goiânia (GO) and Manaus (AM).

Art. 2 The Universidade Paulista – UNIP is governed by:

I - By this Statute;

II - By the Social Contract of the supporting entity;

III - By the university's General Regulations;

IV - By the relevant legislation in force;

V - For other internal normative acts, as applicable.

Art. 3 The Universidade Paulista – UNIP enjoys didactic-scientific, administrative, disciplinary, financial and asset management autonomy, within the limits established by current legislation.

§ 1 Didactic-scientific autonomy consists of the ability to:

I - Establish its teaching, research and extension policy;

II - Create, organize, modify, suspend operation and terminate courses, in compliance with current legislation and the requirements of the social, economic and cultural environment;

III - Establish the number of initial vacancies for new courses and change the number of existing vacancies;

IV - Organize the full curricula of their courses, in accordance with current legislation;

V - Establish your school and teaching regime;

VI - Sign contracts, agreements and agreements;

VII - Confer degrees, diplomas, titles and other university dignities;

VIII - Reform this Statute and its General Regulations;

§ 2° Administrative autonomy consists of the ability to:

I - Develop, approve and reform the regulations of its administrative bodies;

II - Propose to the supporting entity the establishment of the values of fees and fees to be charged by the university;

III - Prepare the budget to be sent to the supporting entity.

§ 3 Disciplinary autonomy consists of the ability to establish the sanctions regime and apply it, in compliance with legal prescriptions and the general principles of Law.

§ 4° Financial and asset management autonomy consists of the ability to:

I - Organize and control the budget, as well as the assets made available by the supporting entity;

II - Approve and execute investment plans, programs and projects relating to works, services and acquisitions in general, as well as manage income according to institutional provisions;

III - Receive grants, donations, inheritances, legacies and financial cooperation resulting from agreements with public and private entities.


Art. 4 The objectives of Universidade Paulista – UNIP are:

I - Promote teaching, research and extension through the cultivation of knowledge, in the fields of science, humanities, arts and technologies, and its application at the service of the progress of the human person and the community;

II - Contribute to the acquisition of skills, competencies and the development of reflective thinking in the preparation of qualified professionals;

III - Contribute to the cultural strengthening of the community in its area of coverage and influence;

IV - Promote solidarity between people;

V - Raise the permanent desire for personal, cultural and professional improvement and enable the integration of acquired knowledge into a systematizing intellectual structure;

VI - Collaborate in the country's development efforts, coordinating with public authorities and the private sector, to search for solutions to regional and national problems;

VII - Promote extension and interaction initiatives with other sectors of society through the application of knowledge in conjunction with teaching and research.


Art. 5 The Universidade Paulista – UNIP is organized in compliance with the following principles:

I - Respect for human rights;

II - Preservation of freedom of thought, teaching, research and dissemination of culture and art,

III - Heritage and administration unit;

IV - Rationality of organization for full use of its human and material resources;

V - Integration of teaching, research and extension functions;

VI - Continuous search for quality and appreciation of the education professional;

VII - Universality of the field through the cultivation of fundamental areas of human knowledge;

VIII - Flexibility of organization, methods and criteria to meet the individual differences of students, regional specificities, the combination of knowledge and the integration of technological advances.



Art. 6 The Universidade Paulista – UNIP may create new campuses, where it maintains its headquarters, in accordance with current legislation.


Art. 7 The bodies of the Universidade Paulista – UNIP are:

I - Higher administration:

a) University Council (CONSUNI);

b) Teaching, Research and Extension Council (CONSEPE).

c) Rectory;

d) Vice-Rectories;

e) Support Bodies.

II - Academic administration:

a) Academic Institutes;

b) Course Coordinations;

c) Coordination Councils;

d) Structuring Teaching Centers;

e) Course Collegiates.


Section I
of the University Council

Art. 8 The University Council, the body that defines university policies and general and academic administration guidelines, in accordance with this Statute and the General Regulations, is composed of the following members:

I - Rector, as its president;

II - Vice-Rectors;

III - A representative of the Coordination Council;

IV - A representative of the undergraduate faculty;

V - A representative of the stricto sensu postgraduate teaching staff;

VI - A representative of the undergraduate student body;

VII - A representative of the stricto sensu postgraduate student body;

VIII - A representative of the boards;

IX - A representative of the supplementary bodies;

X - A representative of the community;

XI - A representative of the supporting entity.

§ 1 The representatives relating to items II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X will be appointed by the rector based on indicative lists.

§ 2 The representative members referred to in paragraphs II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X have terms of office lasting two years and may be reappointed.

§ 3 The community representative will be chosen from among members of other institutions, associations and/or bodies representing the community.

Art. 9 The University Council is responsible for:

I - Exercise superior jurisdiction in general and academic administration, economic-financial management and university planning;

II - Establish the general policy of the university, evaluating the work plans and corresponding budget proposals;

III - Ensure the moral and material assets of the university, in accordance with the disciplinary regime set out in the General Regulations;

IV - Approve the Statute and its modifications, after consulting the Teaching, Research and Extension Council, within its competence, in compliance with legislation;

V - Approve and reform the General Regulations;

VI - Approve and reform the regulations of the Vice-Rectors and other bodies;

VII - Deliberate on the appeals submitted for consideration;

VIII - Decide, in light of plans approved by the Teaching, Research and Extension Council, on the creation, aggregation, incorporation, modification or extinction of courses or directorates;

IX - Decide, in light of plans approved by the Teaching, Research and Extension Council, on the creation of new campuses, in accordance with article 6;

X - approve the decisions of the Teaching, Research and Extension Council regarding the creation, organization, modification, suspension of operation and extinction of courses, as well as to set the number of vacancies of each course;

XI - Decide on fees and fees to be charged by the university, in compliance with the relevant legislation, after consulting the supporting entity in advance;

XII - Decide on the granting of university dignities and confer prizes and distinctions as a reward and encouragement for the university's academic and administrative activities;

XIII - Approve and authorize agreements, agreements and contracts of interest to the university with national and foreign institutions;

XIV - Approve the teaching and technical-administrative staff and its changes, as well as establish standards relating to the administration of human resources, after consulting the supporting entity in advance and respecting the legislation;

XV - Determine measures and apply sanctions aimed at preventing or correcting acts of collective indiscipline, as well as determining the suspension of activities of any body or course at the university;

XVI - Propose to the supporting entity the allocation of additional and supplementary funds during the financial year to meet any needs;

XVII - Perform other duties within its competence, pursuant to the law, this Statute and the General Regulations;

XVIII - Decide on omitted cases in this Statute and the General Regulations.

Art. 10. The University Council meets ordinarily once every semester, convened by the rector, and, extraordinarily, when necessary, upon the initiative of this authority or request of an absolute majority of its members.

§ 1 The University Council operates with the presence of the majority of its members and its decisions are taken by a simple majority of the votes of the members present.

§ 2 The convocation of the University Council is made in writing, at least seventy-two hours in advance, mentioning the subject that must be discussed, unless it is considered confidential by the rector.

§ 3 The deadline for calling meetings on an urgent basis is waived.

Section II
of the Teaching, Research and Extension Council

Art. 11. The Teaching, Research and Extension Council, the university's regulatory body in matters of teaching, research and extension, is made up of the following members:

I - Rector, as its president;

II - Vice-Rectors;

III - A representative of the Coordination Council;

IV - A representative of the undergraduate faculty;

V - A representative of the stricto sensu postgraduate teaching staff;

VI - A representative of the undergraduate student body;

VII - A representative of the stricto sensu postgraduate student body;

VIII - A representative of the supplementary bodies;

IX - A representative of the boards;

X - A representative of the community;

XI - A representative of the supporting entity.

§ 1 The representatives relating to items III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX will be chosen by the rector, based on nomination.

§ 2 The terms of office relating to the positions mentioned in paragraphs II, III, VIII and IX last for two years and may be reappointed.

§ 3 The community representative will be chosen from among the members of associations and representative bodies of the community.

Art. 12. The Teaching, Research and Extension Council is responsible for:

I - Propose changes to the Statute and General Regulations of the university in matters within its competence for approval by the University Council;

II - Propose plans to be submitted to the University Council on the creation of new campuses, in accordance with article 6;

III - Establish guidelines for teaching, research and extension, its projects, programs and activities;

IV - Approve teaching, research and extension projects and programs, as well as propose financial aid for their implementation, avoiding duplication of means for identical or equivalent purposes;

V - Propose to the University Council the creation, aggregation, incorporation, modification or extinction of courses, as well as the establishment of vacancies;

VI - Approve full curricula, as well as the offering of subjects in different courses and academic periods;

VII - Prepare and approve the university's General Calendar;

VIII - Establish rules on admission, cancellation, suspension of enrollment, transfer of students, entrance exams and progress in studies;

IX - Approve teaching career plans;

X - Decide on the hiring and dismissal of teachers;

XI - Deliberate, originally or on appeal, on matters within its competence.

Art. 13. The Teaching, Research and Extension Council meets ordinarily once every semester, convened by the rector, and, extraordinarily, when necessary, upon the initiative of this authority or request of a simple majority of its members.

§ 1 The Teaching, Research and Extension Council operates with the presence of two thirds of its members and its decisions are taken by a simple majority of the votes of the members present.

§ 2 The call for the Teaching, Research and Extension Council is made in writing, at least seventy-two hours in advance, mentioning the subject that must be discussed, unless it is considered confidential by the rector.

§ 3 The deadline for calling meetings on an urgent basis is waived.

§ 4º There may be, within fifteen days, an appeal to the University Council against the decisions of the Teaching, Research and Extension Council.

Section III
From the Rectory

Art. 14. The Rectorate is the university's highest executive body that coordinates and supervises all activities, and is responsible for:

I - Manage the human, financial and material resources made available to the university, aiming to improve and develop its teaching, research and extension activities;

II - Formulate the university's General Plan, as well as the budget proposal, forwarding them for approval to the competent bodies;

III - Coordinate and control the execution of approved plans, evaluating the results and adopting measures to comply with them.

Art. 15. In exercising its powers, the Rectory is assisted by the following Vice-Rectors:

I - Vice-Rector for Undergraduate Studies;

II - Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Research;

III - Vice-Rector of Administration and Finance;

IV - Vice-Rector of Planning;

V - Vice-Rector of Extension;

VI - Vice-Rector for International Relations;

VII - Vice-Rector of Human Resources and Personnel;

VIII - Vice-Rector of University Units;

IX - Vice-Rector for University Community Affairs.

Art. 16. The Rectory is headed by the rector, appointed by the supporting entity for a term of 2 (two) years, and may be reappointed.

Art. 17. The rector's duties are:

I - Represent the university in and out of court;

II - Direct, coordinate and supervise all university activities;

III - Appoint vice-rectors, directors, coordinators, academic secretary, directors of support bodies and advisors;

IV - Choose, through nominations, for the higher collegiate bodies, the vice-rectors, representatives of the undergraduate faculty, the stricto sensu postgraduate faculty, the undergraduate student body, the stricto postgraduate student body sensu and support bodies;

V - Sign or promote the signing of contracts, agreements and adjustments approved by the competent bodies of the supporting entity;

VII - Take decisions, in exceptional cases, ad referendum of the competent bodies, being responsible for submitting them to the higher bodies at the subsequent meeting;

VIII - Download resolutions referring to the deliberations of the collegiate bodies he presides over;

IX - Preside, with the right to voice and vote, any collegial body attended;

X - Authorize any public statement involving the university;

XI - Perform the acts necessary for personnel management and the maintenance of order and discipline at the university;

XII - Supervise the formulation of the university's General Plan, as well as budget proposals, for examination and approval by the competent bodies;

XIII - Determine the uses of university income, in accordance with the approved budget;

XIV - Confer degrees and issue diplomas and professional titles, as well as sign certificates or delegate these competencies;

XV – Confer honorary titles and academic dignities, after consulting the University Council;

XVI - Give a conclusive opinion for the acceptance of professors, in case of urgency, ad referendum of the University Council;

XVII - Establish committees;

XVIII - Resolve omitted cases in this Statute or in the General Regulations of the university, ad referendum of the competent body.

Art. 18. The rector may veto a decision by the University Council or the Teaching, Research and Extension Council up to 10 days after the meeting at which it was taken.

§ 1 If a deliberation is vetoed, the rector will summon the collegiate to, in a meeting that will be held within 15 days, inform the reasons for the veto.

§ 2 Rejection of the veto by a majority of at least 2/3 of all members of the competent collegiate body means approval of the vetoed deliberation.

§ 3. If the veto is rejected in a matter involving an economic-financial matter, there is an ex officio appeal to the supporting entity, within 10 days, with the latter's decision being considered final on the matter.

Art. 19. The Rectory regulates the organization, competence and functioning of its bodies and services.

Section IV
Of the Vice-Rectories

Art. 20. The Vice-Rectories are advisory bodies of the Rectorate responsible for monitoring, in their areas of competence, the academic and administrative units installed on the campuses.

Art. 21. Each Vice-Rector is headed by a vice-rector, freely chosen by the rector, in the manner established by this Statute and the General Regulations.

§ 1 In his absence or impediment, the rector will be replaced by one of the vice-rectors, specially designated by him, with the approval of the supporting entity.

§ 2º It will be up to the rector, when appointing the vice-rectors and at his/her sole discretion, to assign one or more Vice-Rectors to one or more vice-rectors.

§ 3 The rector may divide part of the competence of a Vice-Rector to more than one vice-rector, so that one or more vice-rectors are responsible for the separated competence, provided that:

a) The attribution does not result in the creation of new powers not provided for in this Statute;

b) All the powers of the Vice-Rectors have been attributed to one or more vice-rectors.

Art. 22. The Vice-Rector for Undergraduate Studies is the executive body that supervises, coordinates and supervises the university's undergraduate teaching activities, being headed by a vice-rector with the following responsibilities:

I - Coordinate and supervise academic activities;

II - Supervise the preparation of pedagogical projects for undergraduate courses;

III - Supervise the updating of the courses' curricular matrices, complying with the National Curricular Guidelines;

IV - Supervise and integrate course coordination and teaching-learning activities with a view to continuously improving the quality of courses offered in different modalities;

V - Propose and encourage the incorporation of new teaching methods and the use of new technologies to increase learning;

VI - Propose intra, inter and multidisciplinary activities to enrich courses and programs;

VII - Supervise and monitor internship activities and encourage contact with the professional world and companies;

VIII - Analyze the documentation relating to teaching qualifications, with a view to improving the university's teaching staff;

IX - Propose measures to encourage teacher updating and training, as well as the necessary measures for their implementation;

X - Monitor students’ assessments and academic records;

XI - Sign ordinances, norms and acts, within their sphere of competence;

XII - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

XIII - Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

§ 1 The boards and coordination bodies responsible for academic procedures on the different campuses are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 2 The bodies responsible for creating and producing educational material are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 3 The General Secretariat and the Diploma Registration Department of the university constitute support bodies.

Art. 23. The Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Research is the executive body that supervises, coordinates and supervises the university's postgraduate and research activities, being headed by a vice-rector with the following responsibilities:

I - Propose programs to support scientific research and teaching and student production;

II - Propose master's and doctorate programs in accordance with the guidelines of the competent bodies of the Ministry of Education;

III - Propose and monitor research groups and register them with the National Research Council;

IV- Prepare reports required by the Ministry of Education bodies and monitor the external evaluation of stricto sensu programs;

V - Coordinate and supervise academic activities, as well as evaluating the quality of postgraduate education (stricto sensu and lato sensu);

VI - Register and disseminate the scientific production of teaching staff and students;

VII - Encourage the carrying out of research in contact with the professional world and companies;

VIII - Encourage exchange and participation in joint research with public and private bodies in the country and abroad, after consulting the Vice-Rector for International Relations;

IX - Encourage the participation of researchers in graduate education;

X - Encourage student participation in monitoring and scientific initiation projects;

XI - Promote the development of projects aimed at raising funds from funding agencies for postgraduate and research activities;

XII - Sign ordinances, rules and acts within their sphere of competence;

XIII - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

XIV- Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

§ 1 The coordination bodies responsible for the stricto sensu and lato sensu postgraduate programs are advisory, execution and supervision bodies;

§ 2 The coordination bodies responsible for research and scientific initiation are advisory, execution and supervision bodies;

§ 3º Those responsible for coordinating the master's and doctoral programs will be part of the Postgraduate Council.

Art. 24. The Vice-Rector of Administration and Finance is the executive body responsible for coordinating and supervising the administrative and financial activities of the university, headed by a vice-rector, with the following duties:

I - Centralize information regarding the needs of each sector of the university to facilitate administrative execution;

II - Coordinate and implement the university's computerization activities and the development and improvement of its information and communication systems;

III - Meet the needs for material and services essential to the functioning of the university;

IV - Monitor, evaluate and propose the incorporation of technical innovations;

V - Develop trend studies and comparative analyzes of administrative performance;

VI - Collaborate in the preparation of the annual budget and monitor its execution;

VII - Create cost appropriation and analysis mechanisms and propose expenditure rationalization measures;

VIII - Coordinate and implement the university's physical expansion activities;

IX - Submit, annually, the activity report to the Rectory;

X - Sign ordinances, rules and acts within their sphere of competence;

XI - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

XII - Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

§ 1 The Purchasing, Accounting and Cost Controlling sectors are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 2 The boards and coordination bodies responsible for administrative procedures on the different campuses are executive and supervisory bodies.

§ 3 The Technology and Information Center constitutes a support body.

Art. 25. The Vice-Rector for Planning is the executive body responsible for analyzing the evolution of the university, being headed by a vice-rector, with the following responsibilities:

I - Analyze, propose and coordinate the physical expansion of the university;

II - Analyze, propose and coordinate the opening or closing of university units;

III - Analyze, propose and coordinate the merger, alteration or closure of university campuses;

IV - Submit, annually, the activity report to the Rectory;

V - Sign ordinances, rules and acts within its sphere of competence;

VI - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

VII - Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

§ 1º The university's physical expansion board constitutes an advisory, execution and supervision body;

§ 2 The university's Architecture and Construction sector is the advisory, execution and supervision bodies;

§ 3 The university's Purchasing, Legal and Security sectors constitute support bodies.

Art. 26. The Vice-Rector of Extension is the executive body that supervises and coordinates extension activities, being headed by a vice-rector with the following responsibilities:

I - Promote, coordinate and supervise activities aimed at greater integration of the university community and the local community;

II - Promote and record community outreach actions, cultural and artistic production;

III - Encourage student activities in the sociocultural field;

IV - Promote culture in the university environment, showing its history and importance in understanding the contemporary world and thinking about the future;

V - Promote the participation of the university's teaching, student and technical-administrative staff in integrative actions;

VI - Sign ordinances, rules and acts within their sphere of competence;

VII - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

VIII - Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

Single paragraph. The boards and coordination bodies responsible for extension procedures on the different campuses are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

Art. 27. The Vice-Rector of University Units is the executive body that coordinates and supervises the university units in the interior of the state of São Paulo, being headed by a vice-rector with the following duties:

I - Coordinate and supervise the integration of teaching, research and extension activities of common interest in university units;

II - Encourage ethical and non-discriminatory behavior in university units;

III - Plan student support and affirmative action programs for university units in your region;

IV - Give your opinion on agreements with public or private entities that involve the interests of university units in your region;

V - Sign ordinances, rules and acts within its sphere of competence;

VI - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

VII - Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

§ 1 The boards and managers responsible for assistance on each campus are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 2º The Security sectors of each campus are advisory, execution and supervision bodies.

§ 3 The university's Ombudsman sector constitutes an advisory body.

Art. 28. The Vice-Rector for University Community Affairs is the executive body that coordinates and supervises the conditions necessary to achieve the university's objectives on its campuses, being headed by a vice-rector with the following responsibilities:

I – Establish the necessary measures to adapt the administrative and technical services of the different university campuses to carry out the courses offered;

II - Establish the necessary measures to adapt the administrative and technical services of the different university campuses to serve the teaching staff and students;

III - Establish the necessary measures to adapt the administrative and technical services of the different university campuses in compliance with the principles of optimizing material and human resources;

IV- Observe compliance with safety standards on university campuses;

V - Supervise and care for the university’s assets on its campuses;

VI - Issue opinions on matters within its competence;

VII - Sign ordinances, rules and acts within its sphere of competence;

VIII - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

IX - Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

§ 1 The boards and managers responsible for assistance on each campus are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 2º The Security sectors of each campus are advisory, execution and supervision bodies.

§ 3 The university's Ombudsman sector constitutes an advisory body.

Art. 29. The Vice-Rector of Human Resources and Personnel is the executive body that coordinates and supervises activities linked to human resources at the university, at its administrative, technical and teaching levels, being headed by a vice-rector with the following duties :

I - Propose human resources policies;

II - Plan and propose to higher bodies the university's career tables, positions, functions, and salaries;

III - Manage and control the execution of career tables, positions, functions and salaries of university bodies;

IV - Ensure compliance with current legislation;

V - Give an opinion on the hiring and dismissal of teaching and technical-administrative staff;

VI - Plan human resources training and development programs;

VII - Plan recruitment and selection processes;

VIII - Record occurrences related to functional life and keep them updated;

IX - Sign ordinances, rules and acts within its sphere of competence;

X - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

XI - Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

§ 1 The boards responsible for the staff of each campus are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 2 The personnel departments of each campus are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 3 The legal sector of the university constitutes an advisory body.

Art. 30. The Vice-Rector for International Relations is the executive body for advising and assisting the university's international relations, headed by a vice-rector with the following responsibilities:

I - Promote, propose, develop and supervise didactic and scientific collaboration agreements with international teaching and research institutions, public and private;

II - Promote teaching and student exchange with international teaching and research institutions, public and private;

III - Stimulate collaboration with international scientific activities;

IV - Promote and monitor the insertion of teachers and students from international institutions into the university;

V - Sign ordinances, rules and acts within its sphere of competence;

VI - Exercise disciplinary power in their area of competence;

VII - Perform any function that, by its nature, affects you.

§ 1 The boards and coordination bodies responsible for international contacts on each campus are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 2 The boards and coordination bodies responsible for teaching and student exchange are advisory, execution and supervisory bodies.

§ 3 The legal sector of the university constitutes an advisory body.

Section V
From Support Bodies

Art. 31. The support bodies, subordinate to the Rectory, carry out specific advisory and support activities for the university's actions and will have their duties and structures defined in the General Regulations.

Single paragraph. On the initiative of the Rectory, after consulting the supporting entity, these bodies may be created, suppressed or altered, submitting the acts to the higher bodies.

Art. 32. The Boards are executive bodies, subordinate to the Rectory, which coordinate and support the university's actions.

Art. 33. The General Secretariat is the body responsible for the coordination, execution and registration of academic services and the registration of diplomas, headed by an academic secretary, appointed by the rector.

Art. 34. The Diploma Registration Department is a body of the General Secretariat that carries out specific activities, its functions being regulated by the General Regulations and current legislation.

Art. 35. The Central Library and the Sectoral Libraries are support bodies managed by a professional duly qualified in the area and registered with the competent council.

Art. 36. The Technology and Information Center is the body that provides technological support to the university in its actions.

Art. 37. The Department of Regulation and Government Programs – DRPG is the body responsible for transmitting the regulation and evaluation of higher education to the Ministry of Education.

Art. 38. The Own Assessment Committee – CPA is an autonomous body responsible for conducting the institution's internal assessment processes, systematizing and providing information requested by the official bodies of the Ministry of Education.

Art. 39. The Course Qualification and Evaluation Commission – CQA is the body responsible for the qualification of courses and external evaluations of students promoted by the official bodies of the Ministry of Education.

Art. 40. The university's Architecture and Construction, Purchasing, Accounting, Cost Controlling, Legal, Ombudsman and Security sectors constitute support bodies.


Section I
From Academic Institutes

Art. 41. Courses in related areas will be grouped into Academic Institutes, each with a director designated by the rector.
§ 1 The director of the Academic Institute will be responsible for managing, coordinating and supervising the activities of the courses assigned to his institute, fulfilling the nature of constant review and updating.

§ 2 The General Regulations will regulate other aspects relating to the management of Academic Institutes.

Section II
From Course Coordinators

Art. 42. The Course Coordinations will have the function of monitoring, controlling and evaluating the teaching activities of the respective undergraduate courses and postgraduate programs.

Art. 43. The coordination of undergraduate courses and postgraduate programs will be carried out by a coordinator designated by the dean.

Art. 44. The General Regulations will regulate other aspects relating to Course Coordinations.

Section III
Of the Coordination Councils

Art. 45. The Coordination Councils will be constituted by the directors of the institutes as natural members, course coordinators, student representatives and other representatives of the university bodies, when applicable.

Art. 46. The composition and competence of the Coordination Councils will be regulated in the General Regulations.

Section IV
From the Structuring Teaching Center

Art. 47. The Structuring Teaching Nucleus (NDE) of the course is made up of a group of teachers appointed by the director of the respective Institute, active in the process of conception, consolidation and continuous updating of the course's pedagogical project.

Art. 48. The Structuring Teaching Center for the courses will have the following functions:

I - Contribute to the consolidation of the professional profile of the course graduate;

II - Ensure interdisciplinary curricular integration between the different teaching activities contained in the curriculum;

III - Indicate ways of encouraging the development of research and extension programs, arising from undergraduate needs, labor market demands and in line with public policies relating to the course's area of knowledge;

IV - Ensure compliance with the National Curricular Guidelines for undergraduate courses.

Art. 49. The composition and competence of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus will be regulated in the General Regulations, in compliance with educational legislation.

Section V
Of the Course Collegiate

Art. 50. Each course has a Course Board that brings together the director of the Institute, the coordinator, the Structuring Teaching Nucleus, the respective teaching staff and student representative.

Art. 51. The Course Board is responsible for:

I - Promote the articulation of your course on different campuses and modalities;

II - Approve the plan of course activities;

III - Be responsible for offering activities and disciplines related to your course, in different modalities, in accordance with the Pedagogical Project and current legislation;

IV - Prepare the syllabi, programs and teaching plans for the activities and subjects of your course, after consulting the Structuring Teaching Center;

V - Promote active methodologies for teaching your course in different modalities;

VI - Propose didactic, scientific, administrative and technological measures to the Coordination Council;

VII - Develop and propose research and extension projects in the area of their competence, and forward them to the competent bodies of the university;

VIII - Participate in programs, activities and research and extension projects of an interdisciplinary nature;

IX - Promote and coordinate seminars, study groups and other events approved for your course;

X - Propose special commissions for specific subjects;

XI - Recommend teachers for teaching admission, considering their qualifications and competence for the target activity;

XII - Distribute teaching, research and extension responsibilities to faculty members;

XIII - Promote the articulation and integration of teaching activities;

XIV - Evaluate the individual performance of each teacher;

XV - Monitor the expansion of knowledge in the areas of its competence through exchanges and encouraging the participation of teachers in scientific and cultural events in their respective professional areas;

XVI - Maintain relationships with teaching and professional bodies related to your course;

XVII - Carry out other duties that fall, expressly or implicitly, within the scope of its competence.

Art. 52. Course Board meetings are held at least once per semester upon call by the coordinator.

§ 1 The Course Board meets in an extraordinary session when called by the Rectory, the director of the Institute, course coordinator or, even, by determination of two thirds of its members.

§ 2 Course Board meetings are chaired by the director of the Institute or, exceptionally, by a course coordinator appointed by the director.



Art. 53. The university will provide the following courses and programs:

a) Undergraduate courses;

b) Stricto sensu and lato sensu postgraduate programs;

c) Extension courses and others, in accordance with legislation.

Art. 54. The purpose of undergraduate courses is to enable the student to obtain academic and professional degrees.

Art. 55. Undergraduate courses are open to candidates who have completed high school or equivalent and have been classified in the university admission selection process, within the limits of the vacancies offered.

Art. 56. Stricto sensu postgraduate programs lead to master's and doctoral degrees and are open to candidates who have graduated from undergraduate courses, recognized by the MEC, and who meet the requirements of the selection process.

§ 1 The master's level aims to enrich the scientific, didactic and professional competence of graduates.

§ 2 The doctorate level deepens scientific training, improving research capacity, creative power and the advancement of knowledge in different areas of human knowledge.

Art. 57. Lato sensu postgraduate programs are aimed at graduates of higher education courses, recognized by the MEC, and aim to update knowledge and prepare specialists in specific professional or knowledge areas.

Art. 58. Extension courses aim to disseminate, expand and update knowledge and work techniques.

Art. 59. The curriculum of each course will cover a set of subjects, the completion of which will entitle you to the corresponding diploma or certificate.

Art. 60. The full curricula of courses corresponding to professions regulated by law will be structured based on the National Curricular Guidelines, approved by the National Education Council.

Art. 61. In undergraduate courses and stricto sensu or lato sensu postgraduate programs, in any teaching modality, the evaluation of academic performance will cover the aspects of attendance and efficiency in studies, both eliminatory in themselves, in accordance with the terms of which the General Regulations in force provide.

Art. 62. With the aim of awakening student interest in a university career, the university will maintain a monitoring program.


Art. 63. Research at the university will perform a specific function, aimed at the search for new knowledge, aiming at scientific, technological, social and cultural development.

Art. 64. Research projects must be based, as a priority, on issues related to the local, regional and national reality.

Art. 65. Agreements for carrying out research and support programs will be approved by the university's higher bodies.

Art. 66. With the aim of awakening students' interest in research, the university will maintain a scientific initiation program.

Art. 67. To carry out its research activities, the university will have, in addition to teachers and researchers, students participating in the scientific initiation program.


Art. 68. The university will participate in the development of the community through extension activities.

Art. 69. The extension may reach the scope of the entire community or be directed to people and public or private institutions, in fulfillment of specific projects linked to institutional axes.

Art. 70. Extension projects must follow current legislation.



Art. 71. The academic year is independent of the calendar year, and academic activities cannot occupy less time than that provided for in current legislation and regulated in the General Regulations.


Art. 72. Candidates approved in the selection process are admitted to initial enrollment, up to the limit of places offered in each course and in compliance with the rules contained in the General Regulations and the notice.

Single paragraph. Candidates holding a higher education diploma or transferred from other educational institutions may be admitted as long as current regulations and the number of places available for each course are observed.

Art. 73. The student has the right to request a transfer to another higher education institution or re-option of a course internally at the university, as long as the requirements set out in the General Regulations and current legislation are met.

Art. 74. The university will receive, upon request from interested parties, transfers always conditioned on the existence of vacancies in accordance with current legislation.

Art. 75. Enrollment may be suspended for a period of up to two years, renewable for another year at the university's discretion.

Art. 76. On an experimental basis, the university may adopt different academic and evaluation systems, which will be regulated in its General Regulations.


Art. 77. The retirement of students will take place after their stay at the university for a period equivalent to twice the duration of the course.

Art. 78. As a consequence of the retirement, the student loses the right to renew his enrollment and the institution ceases its relationship with him.



Art. 79. The teaching staff is made up of duly qualified teachers, who are committed to respecting the principles and values expressed in this Statute and the General Regulations.

Art. 80. Faculty members will be selected by the Coordination Council of each area and nominated to the Vice-Rector of Undergraduate Studies for analysis and forwarding to the Vice-Rector of Human Resources.

Art. 81. The forms of admission, promotion and specific assignments for each category of teaching staff and their classification are established in the Higher Teaching Regulations and the General Regulations.

Art. 82. The act of admission and dismissal of teachers, after consultation with the Vice-Rector of Human Resources and in compliance with current labor legislation, will be the responsibility of the supporting entity.


Art. 83. The university's student body comprises students regularly enrolled in its courses.

Art. 84. The act of registration implies a formal commitment to respect this Statute, the General Regulations and the rules issued by the competent bodies, with non-compliance constituting a punishable offense.

Art. 85. The student body has representation, with the right to voice and vote, in the collegiate bodies of higher administration, in accordance with this Statute and the General Regulations.

Art. 86. Regularly enrolled students may organize directories and associations, in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations and in accordance with current legislation.


Art. 87. The technical-administrative body is made up of personnel hired for this purpose by the supporting entity, in accordance with the provisions of the Consolidation of Labor Laws.

Art. 88. It is up to the administration bodies, within the scope of their competences, to supervise technical-administrative activities.



Art. 89. The supporting entity, under the terms of its Articles of Association, is the holder of all assets and rights made available to Universidade Paulista – UNIP.

Art. 90. It is the responsibility of the supporting entity to promote adequate operating conditions for the activities of the Universidade Paulista – UNIP, making available to it the necessary movable and immovable assets, from its assets or those of third parties transferred to it, and ensuring sufficient resources financial resources to fund its purposes, in accordance with the approved budget plan.


Art. 91. The financial year coincides with the calendar year.

Art. 92. The financial resources available to the university come from:

I - Monthly fees, fees and charges;

II - Revenues arising from the registration of rights and patents, in compliance with current legislation and the standards established by the maintaining entity;

III - Financial donations from the supporting entity;

IV - Acceptance of legacies, donations and inheritances;

V - Subsidies, aid, contributions, funds allocated to it by public or private entities;

VI - Income from service provision activities;

VII - Occasional income of any nature;

VIII - Income from investment of assets and equity values.

Art. 93. Acceptance depends on the supporting entity:

I - Resources, legacies, donations and agreements;

II - Approval of the budget proposal;

III - Salary policy, establishment of annual fees, fees and emoluments, respecting current legislation.

Art. 94. The Rectory is responsible for preparing the annual budget proposal, with the participation of senior bodies, to be submitted for approval by the supporting entity, as well as providing accounts for the previous year.


Art. 95. The university will grant:

I - Diplomas for those who complete undergraduate courses, after graduating in a public session;

II - Diplomas for those who complete stricto sensu postgraduate programs, after defense and approval of a dissertation or thesis;

III - Certificates for those who complete lato sensu postgraduate programs and extension courses.

Art. 96. The university may grant honorary degrees, in the manner prescribed by the General Regulations, after approval by the competent bodies.


Art. 97. It is the responsibility of the teaching, student and technical-administrative staff to faithfully observe the precepts required for the good order and dignity of the university.

Art. 98. Those occupying positions of management, higher administration and academic administration, as well as teaching and technical-administrative staff, must refrain from promoting or authorizing, in the exercise of their activities, demonstrations of a political-partisan nature .

Art. 99. The university may maintain agreements with national and international institutions to carry out technical, scientific and cultural cooperation, for the exchange of teachers and students and others related to its objectives and functions, after approval by the supporting entity.

Art. 100. This Statute may only be reformed or altered upon a proposal initiated by the rector, 2/3 (two thirds) of the members of the University Council or the supporting entity, within its competence.

Art. 101. This Statute will come into force on the date of its approval by the University Council or, in the cases determined by the applicable regulations, upon its approval by the relevant bodies.